Owls Nest
Students with Dependent Children
If you are a parent with dependent children, you may qualify for priority registration and additional resources. Learn about support services below.
Helpful Resources for Student-Parents at Foothill
Financial Aid
- Emergency grants/loans
- Grants and scholarships for student parents
- For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office.
- Are you a single parent? You may be eligible for CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education), which is part of our EOPS program. Learn about EOPS/CARE here.
Hunger, Housing & Health Resources
Are you stressed and struggling to secure the daily essentials of food and housing? At Foothill, we care about your health and wellness and are here to help.
We offer the following services:
- Food Pantry
- Help with Housing Insecurity
- Mental Health & Wellness Center
- Transportation — Pick up your VTA Transit SmartPass
- Health Services — Free and low-cost medical services
- Lactation Room - Our Student Health Center provides a private lactation room where students who are nursing can pump or nurse their baby.
- Menstrual Products — See locations on campus to access for free
- Dental Hygiene — Our onsite campus clinic provides free cleanings
For help navigating services, you can contact Sonia Sanchez, our Basic Needs Coordinator, at sanchezsonia@fhda.edu or 650.949.7618.
Off-Campus Resources
– The SCC R&R Program offers information, options about childcare, and work based on referrals. There are multiple methods to obtain a list of information based on your needs.
The phone number to call and obtain information is 669-212-5437, you can also send an email to childcarescc@sccoe.org. To access other childcare providers please visit which will provide you with the nearest providers based on your zip code.
Use this and find a childcare provider that currently has openings. Each center will have a contact number to obtain more information and begin the enrollment process.
Summer Meals for Kids and Local Camps
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County
offers various locations for kids and their families to obtain prepared meals (hot or cold). They have various locations and times throughout the week. Please access the website to see the various locations and times food is served.
offers various Summer Camps and Enrichment Activities. Documentation will need to be provided to prove enrollment and that you meet the eligibility criteria. You are eligible to enroll if you are between the ages of 0-18 years old and meet one of the following conditions: if you are adopted, part of foster care, kinship care, Low Income, Probation, or Receiving DFCS Services.
is a website that allows you to find available summer camps throughout the Bay Area.
There are several ways to apply to Medi-Cal—by mail, at a county service office, or online. The online website will be direct you to the different options available and prompt you to the application based on your selection.

We're Here to Help!
Owls Nest
Basic Needs Center
Building 2100, Room 2152