Ask Foothill
Got Questions? Find Answers!
Welcome to Ask Foothill, where we'll help you get answers to your questions.
If you've been to Ask Foothill before, the set up has changed some. Here are ways to get the information you need!
Use Our Search Engine
The easiest way to find current information is to type your topic or question into our website search engine.
You'll find results for pages that provide information on your question.
- For best results, enter one topic or question at a time.
- Be as specific as possible. If you are looking for summer registration dates, include the year, such as summer 2019.
- By typing your specific topic or question, you'll find your answer faster than using the FAQs by Topic.
Also, try the steps below. |
Frequently Asked Questions By Topic
Our FAQ pages provide you a list of questions by topic that can be more easily scanned for what you may want to know.
- Apply & Register
- ÐÔÅ«µ÷½Ì Promise — Free college for first-time, full-time students!
- Finanical Aid
- Graduation
Directories for Contacts
Our program and department websites include Contact Us emails and phone numbers if you cannot get the information you need here.
Here are ways to find the contacts you want.
Preguntar en Español
Degrees & CertificatesClass schedule Steps to Register

Need Help?
Contact Us!
Admissions and Records
Student Services Building 8100, Room 8101
Can't Find an Answer?TEXT your admissions or registration question/concern to Foothill's ASK ME! service. 408.334.7061 Text questions will be answered during regular business hours. |