Assessment for Placement
AB 1705: Placement, Support and Completion at California's Community Colleges
Did You Know?
Students who complete English 1A and transfer-level math in their first year of college are more likely to succeed in their academic journey.
About AB 1705
Assembly Bill (AB) 1705 is a bill signed by the Governor that requires California Community Colleges to maximize the probability that students will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and mathematics within one year, setting into motion changes that will severely restrict the ability of community colleges to offer remedial math and English courses.
AB 1705 builds off a 2017 law that bill was brought forward amid research showing that students who took precalculus math and English classes often got stuck in those classes and were less likely to finish their degrees.
For more information about AB 705 & AB 1705, visit the California Community Colleges: .
How AB 1705 Impacts Math Courses
Effective fall 2024, the Precalculus series (Math 48A, Math 48B, Math 48C) will be phased out by fall 2025 during the 2024-2025 academic year.
Starting fall 2025, depending on your math preparedness background, you can take Math 47: Path to Calculus — if you need precalculus. Alternatively, students can go directly to Calculus but may be required to take a co-requisite for support.
Until then, you can take Math 48A-C Precalculus during the 2024-2025 academic. However, please be aware that some courses in the series will be phased out starting Spring 2025.
Changes to Precalculus Course Offerings for 2024-2025
- If you plan to take the Math 48A–C: Precalculus series this 2024-2025 academic year, see the quarters courses will be offered and then phased out.
- Also note the addition of MATH 47: Path to Calculus and the Math 1A Calculus corequisites Math 211A or NCBS 411A.
Fall 2024 |
MATH 48A, 48B, 48C | |
Winter 2025 |
MATH 48A, 48B, 48C | |
Spring 2025 |
MATH 48B, 48C New Course: MATH 47 (Tentative) |
MATH 48A |
Fall 2025 |
MATH 48C (1 section only—tentative) New: MATH 47, MATH 1A with Co-requisite (Math 211A or NCBS 411A) |
MATH 48A, 48B |
Winter 2026 |
MATH 47, MATH 1A with Corequisite (Math 211A or NCBS 411A) | MATH 48A-C Series |
Starting Fall 2025
Students who would have taken one of the Precalculus Math 48A-C courses can learn precalculus material in Math 47 (Path to Calculus) or go directly to Calculus (Math 1A) with or without a co-requisite (Math 211A or NCBS 411A), depending on their mathematics preparedness background.
If you have any questions about which math courses to take to achieve to reach your academic goals, please meet with a counselor.

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